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Mountain spring in Ahrntal valley

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Spring in the mountains of the Ahrntal valley is an inviting place for mindful rambles through internal and external landscapes alike to gentle, lasting relaxation. By the lakeside, in the forest, on the mountain and in the valley. Togehter with health trainers and yoga coaches. 


In May and June the use of the Ahrntal cableways Speikboden and Klausberg is free of charge: energy-saving for people and nature – and dedicated to mindfulness. Gently gliding upwards, all senses receiving. At the heart of the Zillertal Alps at over 2000 metres above sea level, a balmy spring air can quickly turn to a stiff breeze, making the feeling of refreshment - and the experience - all the greater.


Spring in the mountains of the Ahrntal valley dedicated to mindfulness.


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