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Ahrntal valley and Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures

Ahrntal / Valle Aurina Yesterday

Ruhe finden, loslassen und sich bei jedem Atemzug frei fühlen 🥾🌄🌊 Trovare la pace, lasciarsi andare e sentirsi liberi di assaporare ogni respiro 🥾🌄🌊 Take a moment to unwind, rest, let go and feel free with every new breath.

#ahrntal #valleaurina #gesundheitstal #reinluftgebiet #kraftort #valledellasalute #ariapura #luogodiforza #valleyofhealth #pureair #powerplace

ahrntal_valleaurina 3 days ago

Savor the taste of Ahrntal valley with a traditional Brettljause! 🧀🥖 Enjoy local delights and regional products at our cozy huts and alpine pastures.

#authentictaste #brettljause #localdelights #alpinecuisine #localproducts #prodottilocali #lokaleprodukte #fresh #genuin #tasteahrntal #enjoy #culinarydelights

#ahrntal #valleaurina #ahrntalvalley

#bergzeit #tempodimontagna #genusszeit #tempodigusto #auszeit #tempodistaccarelaspina

#südtirol #suedtirol #altoadige #southtyrolean

📸 TV Sand in Taufers - Manuel Kottersteger

ahrntal_valleaurina 5 days ago

Nature is our greatest asset 🔸🔶🔸 Mindfulness in the mountains of the Ahrntal valley.

Some areas, which, based on various unique features such as their geological make-up or the flora and fauna, are particularly worthy of protection. This includes, for example, the nature park, habitats, wild animals or protected species of animals and plants.

#mindfulness #mountains #nature #hikingadventures #protectnature #mountainlovers #speikboden

#ahrntal #valleaurina #ahrntalvalley

#bergzeit #tempodimontagna #genusszeit #tempodigusto #auszeit #tempodistaccarelaspina

#südtirol #suedtirol #altoadige #southtyrol

📸 Speikboden - Koni Studios

ahrntal_valleaurina 8 days ago

Enjoy car-free hiking in Ahrntal! 🚶‍♂️🌲 With the GuestPass museumobil, you can use public transport for free and leave your car behind. Embrace the adventure and explore our stunning landscapes sustainably.

GuestPass museumobil:
🔸 free use of public transport throughout South Tyrol
🔸 one free admission to each of the participating museums in South Tyrol
🔸 a colourful weekly programme
🔸 various discounts

More information:

#holidaysinahrntalvalley #visitahrntalvalley #goinggreen #guestpassmuseumobil #guestpass #culture #publictransport

#ahrntal #valleaurina #ahrntalvalley

#bergzeit #tempodimontagna #genusszeit #tempodigusto #auszeit #tempodistaccarelaspina

#südtirol #suedtirol #altoadige #southtyrol

📸 TV Ahrntal - 1 @martinzimmerhofer / 2

Ahrntal / Valle Aurina 8 days ago

Erfrischung gefällig? 🌊 Wassererlebniswelt Klausberg
Bisogno di un rinfresco? 🌊 Parco Acquatico Klausberg

#wassererlebniswelt #parcoqcquatico #klausberg #skiworldahrntal #ahrntal #valleaurina #südtirol #altoadige #southtyrol

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